Editorial for Meow Meow

Remember to use this editorial only when stuck, and not to copy-paste code from it. Please be respectful to the problem author and editorialist.
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.

Author: kahootist

# So we abuse this little thing called regular expressions ("re")
# which is a powerful tool for linear pattern matching in strings!
import re

# We define the regular expressions for the three sounds...
# + means one or more of the previous character
# ^ means the start of the line
# $ means the end of the line
hiss = re.compile("^hiss+$")
trill = re.compile("^tri+ll+$")
burble = re.compile("^bu+r+bl+e$")

# We read the number of test cases
count = int(input())

# For each test case, we read the sound and check which regular expression it matches,
# and print out the corresponding output!
for _ in range(count):
    noise = input()
    if hiss.match(noise) is not None:
    elif trill.match(noise) is not None:
    elif burble.match(noise) is not None:
        print("human noises")

# If you don't know how regular expressions work, don't worry!
# A plain if-else solution that manually goes through each string is just as valid!


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