Problem Statement
You have an array of
non-negative integers. You wish to decrease some (any number) of the integers so that they remain non-negative and the sum of the sequence is equal to
. In other words, you can form a new sequence
of length
such that
Determine the number of distinct ways to do this modulo . We call two ways distinct if the resulting sequences after decreasing some of the integers have a different number at some index.
Input Format
Your first line will contain two integers and
Your next line will contain
space-separated integers representing
Output Format
Output a single integer representing the number of ways modulo .
Sample Cases
Input 1
4 3
1 1 1 1
Output 1
Explanation 1
The different sequences you can make are ,
Input 2
3 28
10 10 10
Output 2
Explanation 2
There are 3 ways if you decrease one of the 10s to an 8, 3 ways where you decrease 2 of the 10s to 9s.
Input 3
15 33
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Output 3
Explanation 3
Remember to modulo by .