Block Pathing

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Points: 100
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 256M

Problem type

Block pathing

You are an ant on a childs toy, and would like to find the shortest path between two points. The childs toy simply contains two objects: An axis-aligned rectangle and a circle.

You can assume that:

  • The two objects don't overlap
  • The two objects don't "kiss" (there is a non-zero distance between the two)

What is the shortest distance from start to finish?


Input will always have the same number of values, all of which are integers, in the following form:

sx sy
ex ey
blx bly trx try
rad cx cy


  • sx and sy are the x/y coordinates of the starting position
  • ex and ey are the x/y coordinates of the end goal
  • blx and bly are the x/y coordinates of the bottom left corner of the rectangle
  • trx and try are the x/y coordinates of the top right corner of the rectangle
  • rad is the radius of the circle
  • cx and cy are the x/y coordinates of the centre of the circle


Output a single value representing the shortest distance from the start to end goal. Any answer with absolute or relative error of 10^{-6} will be considered correct.


Take the following input:

1 1
14 14
2 2 7 7
4 11 11

This is represented by the following graph:

Which can be pathed in the following manner:

Resulting in a distance of



  • All values given are in the range [0, 10^9]


  • 1
    Charles_Protegés  commented on Feb. 19, 2024, 1:03 p.m.

    Fun problem, highly recommend this for beginners! :D

    It's okay to cry, you were not made that strong.