Bus Wheels (1 Point)

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Points: 100
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 256M

Problem type

Bus Wheels

m wheels on the bus go round and round,

breaking down,

breaking down.

n wheels on the bus are lying around,

All the way to town.

The m-wheeled school bus is taking an extremely long journey on a very bumpy road. Unforunately you haven't got the budget for an all-terrain school bus, and so your wheels are looking worse for wear.

Luckily, the bus is carrying no children, which leaves a lot of space for spare wheels!

You are trying to drive as far as possible, however each of your n wheels is rated for a particular distance k metres, after which they will break. Each wheel that breaks then needs to be replaced, which takes t seconds per wheel. It doesn't take any time to begin putting the initial m wheels on your bus.

The bus travels at 1m/s, and you want to maximise how far you've travelled after x seconds.


Input will begin with 4 space-separated integers, n, m, t, x, which are:

  • The number of wheels in your possession
  • The number of wheels the bus requires to move
  • The time it takes to replace a single wheel
  • The time we have to travel as far as possible

A second line containing n space-separated integers will follow, representing the distance rating for each of the n wheels.


Output a single integer, the furthest your bus can travel after x seconds.


  • 1 \leq n \leq 10^5
  • 1 \leq m \leq 20
  • 1 \leq t \leq 10^6
  • 1 \leq x \leq 10^{15}
  • 1 \leq k \leq 10^8 (Distance rating)


For the input

10 4 3 15
8 3 5 7 3 2 1 3 5 6

The correct output would be 7. This is because we can travel 7 metres by starting off with these 4 wheels to begin:

8 7 5 5

Then, after travelling for 5 metres, two wheels need replacing, taking 6 seconds. We replace these with wheels of length 3 and 2 (Both taking 3 seconds to replace).

8 7 3 2

After another 2 metres travelled, the 7 wheel and 2 wheel both need replacing, but by this point we've already taken 13 seconds, so replacing these two wheels would take us over 15 seconds.


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