Divisors [I]

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Divisors [I]

Consider the sequence of all natural numbers, and then for each number, listing each of the divisors of this number in increasing order:

    1 2 3 4 5 6 \ldots


    1 1 2 1 3 1 2 4 1 5 1 2 3 6 \ldots

Since this (infinite) sequence has a lot of duplicates, we can notate for each digit whether it is the first, second, third... occurence using a subscript:

    1_1 1_2 2_1 1_3 3_1 1_4 2_2 4_1 1_5 5_1 1_6 2_3 3_2 6_1 \ldots

For this first problem, we'd like to consider a collection of values from this sequence, and try to order them based on their apperance in the sequence.

For example, if given the values 1_1, 2_4, 1_5, 5_1, 3_2, 2_3 we would order these as 1_1, 1_5, 5_1, 2_3, 3_2, 2_4.


Input will begin with a single integer n, representing the length of the following sequence. The next line will contain n space separated values in the form i_j, representing the value i_j in the sequence.


Output a single line with n space separated values in the form of i_j, the sorted version of what was passed through in input.


  • 1 \leq n \leq 10^5
  • 1 \leq i, j \leq 10^9


1_1 2_4 1_5 5_1 3_2 2_3
1_1 1_5 5_1 2_3 3_2 2_4


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