Misc [II]

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Problem type

Miscellaneous [II]

Treetown is a town of various suburbs connected by main roads. The roads have been constructed in such a way that:

  • Every suburb can be reached by taking these roads from suburb to suburb
  • Between any two suburbs, there is only a single path connecting the two
  • All roads are bidirectional

The nature of this construction means that a single road failure leads to a disconnection of the town, causing major delays. You'd like to analyse the possible impact of removing a road from Treetown.

Every road in Treetown has a distance d_j. For any pair of suburbs a, b in Treetown, we compute the contribution to the Treetown economy as

\sum_{i \in R} d_i

Where R is the collection of roads on the path from a to b. For example, take the following graph, with 4 suburbs, a, b, c, d and 3 roads from a to b, b to c and c to d, of lengths 1, 3 and 4.

Then for the suburb pairing a and c, the contribution to productivity is

1 + 3 = 4,

summing the roads from a to b and b to c.

In this problem, we want you to assess the reduction in productivity after removing a single road (in other words, summing the productivity contribution of suburb pairings that are connected via the removed road.)

For example, removing the edge b to c would remove pairings ac, ad, bc, bd, which contribute 4 + 8 + 3 + 7 = 22 productivity.


Input will begin with a single integer N, representing the number of suburbs. N-1 lines will follow. Each line will contain 3 space separated integers, i j and d. This means there is a road from i to j of distance d.

Finally, a single integer x will follow. This represents a (1-indexed) index of one of the roads just inputted.


Output should contain a single integer - the hit to productivity removing road x would cause.


  • 1 \leq N \leq 2\times 10^5
  • 1 \leq d \leq 10^3



Taking the example in the statement, this can be written as:

1 2 1
2 3 3
3 4 4

For which the output should be


as discussed previously.


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